We now have more ways and means of connecting with each other than any other point in human history. Consequently, we are exposed to a barrage of messages everyday, creating noise barriers communicators must cut through (or around) to reach their audiences. Added to the equation are innovations in culture that happen at breakneck speeds, bringing swift and sudden changes in attitudes, behaviors, and/or technology.
For organizations these dynamics can mean vertical and horizontal communication challenges with real consequences for customer, employee, and public relations. For parents and educators, this can mean missed opportunities to engage and collaborate with their youth on critical issues. And that’s where we swoop in with Message Connect to save the day! Ok, maybe not the day, per se, but at least some time, money, and heartache.
Message Connect (MC) is the consulting arm of the Message and our vehicle for delivering marketing, training, and multimedia production services to organizations and groups across sectors. Our MC practice draws from more than a decade of experience at the intersection of new media and culture. We apply this expertise to your unique challenges to help bridge branding, messaging, and knowledge gaps between you and your audience. Simply put: we help you connect the dots and close the distance between where you are and where you’d like to be.